Monday, October 28, 2019

How to Conquer Libido Loss

When discussing or researching libido loss, you will come across many people that tell you that there is no potion or magical pill that can truly increase your sex drive. In reality, that opinion is not entirely true, as in order to conquer libido loss you need to take advantage of a combination of lifestyle changes.

The good news is that a female enhancement product such as HerSolution can often make the entire process of regaining sexual desire a whole lot easier. Combining this all-natural herbal supplement with a number of lifestyle changes is one of the very best ways to conquer libido loss and get your love life back on track.

In order to empower you to be able to beat libido loss and fully take advantage of the benefits that HerSolution can bring into your life, let's take a look at a number of healthy lifestyle changes you can implement.

Regular Exercise

Fitting even a little bit of exercise into your daily routine can improve blood flow, increase the production of natural endorphins, improve stamina, and give you a better overall image of your body. All of these benefits can elevate your mood overall and increase your sexual desire.

Lower Stress
It is easy to allow all kinds of stress build-up thanks to work, finances, and rugged routine. By improving the way you deal with stress and communicating openly you can shun those stressful feelings and allow sensual emotions to breakthrough.

Focus on Happiness

General well being and happiness coincides directly with a woman's overall interest in sex. By focusing on happiness and doing little things that bring positive feelings into your life you will almost instantly note that your libido increases and that sex becomes a more frequent activity.

Pelvic Exercises
Kegel exercises are a very beneficial way to connect with your body and become more aware of your overall sexuality. The exercises are easy to do as well as you really only need to focus on tightening your pelvic muscles as if you are trying to prevent yourself from going to the bathroom. Hold those muscles tight count to 10 and then repeat the process. Performing these pelvic exercises just a few times a day can increase your overall pleasure and keep sexually satisfying thoughts on your mind.

Trust HerSolution Natural Female Enhancer

Adding all of these small but beneficial lifestyle changes to your daily routine along with sticking to the recommended dosage of HerSolution can ensure that your libido increases and that sex feels better every time it does occur. The natural female libido enhancer gives you the boost that you cannot give yourself, and can also make each of the aforementioned lifestyle changes easier to implement.

So what are you waiting for? Take action today and get your love life and your relationship back to where it used to be. You deserve it and so does your partner.

Your body, your mind, and your heart will thank you later, guaranteed.

For more information, go to

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sexual Enhancement Cream for Women FAQs

How do sexual enhancement creams for women work?

The cream is applied to the woman's genital area, specifically the underside of the clitoral hood, allowing the active ingredients to directly stimulate the tissue surface.

Once applied, the cream improves blood flow and dilation of the blood vessels around the clitoris, greatly enhancing sensitivity and arousal. Although response time varies with each individual woman and with the specific product chosen, the effects tend to develop more rapidly with sexual stimulation through touching, rubbing, and licking in the clitoral area.

Are the effects noticeable immediately?

Yes, most products, especially Vigorelle™, immediately increase sensations. Not only does the product work right away, but with continued use, a woman's responses should become even more intense.

I used to have a strong sex drive and much more sensitivity, but over the years this has diminished.

What's going on? Would a women's enhancement cream help?

Women naturally undergo many hormonal, physical and even attitudinal changes during their lifetimes that can affect sexual response. Good overall health and a concerted effort to reduce stress can be helpful, but adding enhancement creams to the sexual routine will provide a significant impact on any woman. Users of the Vigorelle™ brand of female enhancement cream report excellent restoration of youthful sexual intensity, and experiences that are new and exceptionally conducive to orgasm.

Are there any side effects with these products?

With high-quality products, the answer is no. You should check to see that the cream you're choosing is 100% all-natural with no propylene glycol or methylparaben substances. Quality creams are safe and natural and work through direct application to the skin. Since they are not pills or powders that must be ingested, there's no incidence of gastrointestinal upset. On the other hand, it is always wise to sample products like this with a small dosage before using it on a larger scale. If no irritations develop during the test, you should be good to use the product as directed.

How do I know which product to try?

You can investigate the ingredients and the method of manufacture (look for safe, certified pharmaceutical-grade facilities). Also, you should go with a reputable company that's been around awhile and has a large number of satisfied customers. Our testing showed Vigorelle™ to be the best product in this category, though product choice is essentially yours.

Are female sexual enhancement creams expensive?

Prices vary by manufacturer. However, it's good to keep in mind that you get what you pay for -- and in this category of products, we'd advise shopping by criteria other than price alone. Companies that use only top-quality essential active ingredients obviously cost more to make, consequently have to charge more for their products.

How can I obtain these products and maintain my privacy?

Ordering online is a great way to discreetly get the product you want. Read the site carefully to find out how the manufacturer ships; if they don't already ship in plain packaging that doesn't reveal the contents, you may be able to request the service.

How about a guarantee?

You should insist on a guarantee, and make sure to read the fine print. Although all reputable companies offer them, not all companies that have them are reputable... Take the extra time to read how the guarantee works, some products require a one year supply to be eligible for a refund, so shop carefully! If you have trouble finding a product you trust on your own, we recommend Vigorelle™, as it features a straight forward guarantee that you can have confidence in.

Monday, June 10, 2019

FAQ: Women's libido-booster supplements

What's a "women's libido-booster" and why would I want one? In recent years, most of the focus has been on men's sexual performance and pleasure. Now, there are products to help the woman achieve a stronger sex drive, a healthy excitement and interest in sex, a more complete natural arousal, and better responses throughout the sexual arousal cycle including a more powerful climax.

If you or your partner has experienced diminished sex drive and lower levels of sexual response due to fatigue, hormonal changes, stress, aging, or inadequate diet -- or if there's simply a disparity between the woman's and the man's sex drive in your relationship -- women's libido-booster supplements can help.

How do natural supplements for the woman's libido work?

These supplements are typically blended herbal formulas with a number of natural ingredients that each address some aspect of the female sexual response cycle. For instance, some ingredients act on the circulatory system to increase blood flow to the genitals, while others directly enhance production and balance of hormones associated with sexual health. Other ingredients may be specifically chosen for their beneficial effects on the female reproductive system and ability to create overall relaxation or a sense of well being. Taken daily, these supplements are meant to increase sexual response time, boost libido, intensify sexual sensations and orgasm, and balance the hormonal system for proper reproductive functioning.

Can I expect instant results from these products?

If you choose a good-quality, top-notch product, you will notice some results right away, mostly in the form of immediately increased sensations. Most women find that responses improve progressively with daily use over a period of time. Of course, inferior products may have little or no effect, so choose your supplement with care from a respected company that's been in existence for a while -- one excellent choice is Provestra™ from Albion Medical, a company that has been devoted to sexual health for men and women for many years.

I have never had a strong sex drive and seem not to have much sensitivity in the genital area. Can a women's libido-booster product help?

It's difficult to say exactly what may be behind your lack of interest in sex and lack of sexual response. You may wish to consult your practitioner if you want to understand the underlying causes. For most women who describe themselves as you do, however, natural supplements are very helpful. Women can experience the benefits of a healthy sex drive and proper sexual functioning with the correct, quality formula.

Are there any side effects?

If you choose a pure, natural product manufactured in a cGMP pharmaceutical facility (such as Provestra™ by Albion Medical), you can be assured of receiving a completely safe, herbal supplement that will not interfere with other medications or disrupt birth control. There are no side effects. However, because the herbal ingredients have effects on the entire sexual system, some women notice a slight increase in breast size. Also, you are advised to beware of products whose origin or ingredients are uncertain.

I know the cost of men's products like Viagra and Cialis and really high. Are these women's products prohibitively expensive, too?

The truth is, some are ridiculously costly and some are suspiciously cheap. The rule of thumb here is that you get what you pay for -- and for a good quality, clinically backed women's supplement, you can expect to pay about $50 for a month's supply, with reputable companies offering a discount for larger orders. So no, it's not prohibitively expensive when you consider that a good supplement contains top-quality ingredients which are more costly (and are more effective!) than cheaper substitutions. When you find out how fantastic this is for your sex life, you will likely feel that the cost is worth every penny.

Is it safe to take a product like this if I'm trying to get pregnant?

Again, you should choose an excellent quality supplement in any case, but especially if you are contemplating pregnancy. Look for assertions of safety from the manufacturer, and when in doubt, consult your doctor or midwife. In the case of Provestra™, it's been known to increase fertility. Once you confirm your pregnancy, you should always check with your practitioner regarding any supplements or medications you are taking -- even vitamins.

Should I tell my partner I am using a product like this?

We're all in favor of open communication -- and for some couples the fun of experimenting with a new sexual enhancer is a definite turn-on! For some women, though, having a little secret is an aphrodisiac all its own, not to mention a good gauge of how well your secret potion is working: if you and he are very happy with the more sexual you, there's your answer! Later if you want to cop to your secret, it may open him up to the whole category of natural supplements for men.

How women's libido-boosters work

Women have finally gotten their fair due in the category of all-natural sexual arousal and pleasure enhancers. Currently, there are dozens of such products on the market for men (not to mention several prescription medications that cater only to men), but only very recently have women's products moved into consumer focus. It's a booming segment of the natural supplement market that's more popular than ever.

However, the use of herbs and nutrients to enhance women's sex drives and pleasure is nothing new. For many years, folk medicine and naturopathic healing have had a variety of natural and botanical ingredients in their arsenal of tools to combat women's flagging sexuality due to fatigue, stress, dietary deficiency, aging, hormonal changes or emotional upset. What's new now is the availability of specialized, pre-calibrated formulas in new standardized dosages using many of these time-honored ingredients.

The great news is that the formulas work -- so well that women are buying them in record numbers and celebrating the results. The bad news? That the natural supplement market is easily infiltrated by fakes and poseurs, products that do nothing but cost as much as the real thing.

The wise consumer should first gain an understanding of how these products work, and what goes into a quality supplement, then make an informed choice to enjoy the best results.

What you're looking for is a non-prescription, balanced formula that can be taken as a daily supplement without side effects or interference with birth control or other medications you might be taking. The specific formulation varies by manufacturer; however, all formulas worth purchasing are created in a cGMP pharmaceutical-grade facility, of top-quality ingredients.

Here's what else to look for: The ingredients in a good supplement individually will work to promote better blood flow and increased muscular relaxation, plus act on hormones for increased, more energetic sexual response. In addition, the hormone-balancing factors in the formula may combat the negative effects of menopause, such as night sweats and hot flashes, and may even balance mood and attitude before or during menopause.

Taken together, in a blend that is thoughtfully created and precisely calibrated, the effects on the overall female reproductive system are overwhelmingly positive -- from a healthier, more satisfying sex life to natural fertility.

With all the choices out there, it takes a diligent researcher to find out which are the effective formulas. One that meets all the critieria above is Provestra™, which in addition to being an effective and very popular libido-booster for women, is also provided by one of the top legitimate companies in sexual health improvement for men and women. Here's a partial list of Provestra™'s ingredients, and a description of how each works specifically on the female reproductive system:
Maca - legendary South American herb with centuries-old reputation for increasing libido

Red raspberry leaf - a female tonic, uterine contraction regulator, pregnancy herb

Red clover - a blood cleanser and nutritive, positive effects on hormonal systems regulating pregnancy and lactation

Cayenne pepper - a stimulant that equalizes circulation and strengthens the heart

Licorice root - a botanical that strengthens and tonifies the adrenal glands and enhances hormonal function

Bayberry fruit - natural ingredient that increases blood flow and capillary dilation in the mucus membranes of the vagina to enhance lubrication

Damiana leaf - a centuries-old remedy used as an aphrodisiac for its ability to stimulate genitals

Valerian root - a time-honored remedy that reduces tension and emotional stress, aids in a restful sleep, and eases menstrual cramps

Ginger root - a total system stimulant that enhances the action of other herbs

Black cohosh root - a favorite of midwives that acts on the uterine and vaginal ability to contract, balances hormones and has a mild sedative effect.

Notice that the blend described above goes to work on the libido from multiple fronts: circulatory, hormonal, stress reduction, female-specific tonification and overall effects on the genitals. Other formulas may contain amino acids, vitamins, enzymes or various vegetable extracts. Though many of these ingredients are available individually from health food stores or herbal pharmacies, the prevailing wisdom today points to the superiority of formulas like this, that are pre-calibrated and blended to take the guesswork out of herbal extracts -- not to mention the more economical approach of buying a complete tablet as opposed to a bewildering array of pills or tinctures that must be measured, mixed or calculated each day.

Results vary for individual women, but most report positive effects after only about a week or two on the supplement. Unlike prescription meds, these natural supplements have no side effects and can be obtained without a prescription or costly doctor's office visit. Because of their safety and efficacy, natural supplements are the number one choice today among women seeking to improve their libido and sexual pleasure.